quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2014

Let's pollute

"Irony is the expression of most perfect form of thinking" Florbela Espanca, Portuguese poet.

domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2014

Week 1: what do we think sustainability is?

The course began by making introducing, asking about aspiration a giving the learners some useful tips about the course. 
Keep in mind this is the first time I try out this kind of learning method and I'm still trying to figure out how it works, plus is given in a foreign language, being Portuguese my first language. So I'm still a bit concern whether I'll be able to coup with it or not.
It started by making us take a poll on what we think its the most sustainable method:
Which is better for the environment - incineration of waste, or disposal via landfill? Which do you think is more sustainable? 
-Drying your hands with hot air dryers or using paper towels?
-If you have the option of using a dishwasher, do you think it is more sustainable than washing up by hand?
A lot different answers were give, and a lot change during the readings for the one that at the end of the modules toke this week. If I may say it kind of complicated my perspective because it has controversial arguments and so many layers to it. For example I still favor paper towels if you use Joe Smith method on using a paper towel because I usually recycle it. But let us say that, in a sunny country like Portugal, a hot air dryer is energized by a photo voltaic solar panel is that more. sustainable? Still the best might be the Dyson Airblade dryer. I change this answer after reading a bit more about it. I was still not convinced but might be the best option. Most people don't recycle hand towels anyway (although it may be done). Better yet you can just dry your hands on you clothes. But see my point its quite confusing.
Then we tried to defining sustainability. Ok, this is my definition: 
Sustainability is an evolution concept that is based in fairly modern concerns, brought up especially by science and technologies with the means to prove and measure the impact of humans development in the environment, and the realization that the pressure of our own needs is undermining our planet support. It's the search for solutions, new mind sets and new behaviors that allow us to protect future generation from the global challenges we face, allowing them to still have resources and giving them tools to keep those resources within environment and Earth's boundaries. Re-use resources already taken and used in our generation while giving them, and the planet, a proper and juster way of substance and access to basic living needs while improving earths inhabitants conditions of living.
We were provided with some historical background like the Gro Brundtland's thoughts on Climate Change and Our Common Future, theory's and fundamental principles that might help us with this. I loved the Natural Step principle. I'll leave here some other of the presented approaches guidelines like the basic Pillars of sustainability.

Still a great formal definition on sustainability might resume to:

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  

Also It was debated if school should teach Sustainability and in what level. So here is my thoughts: 
The government should invest more in education and size every opportunity to do it, and specially at a early stage. This applies to all countries and should be done at a practical level like, for example, using biological farms to teach biology or the clean up of a beach to increase the awareness of wast and proper recycle. Not only enlightenment kids are more likely to act with a sustainable concern but they teach, make pressure and ashamed (a great teaching tool) grown ups. In Portugal, for example, the the recycle circle was brought to education in the last decade. Even elder people do it now, not just because they are interested in it but because their grandchildren put pressure and taught them how to. Another great tool might be advertisement.
The learning with other cultures was also incentiveted and proposed. Several testimony add a new layer of understanding. This gives you a wider view of the world around us. 


I usually think that Facebook hardly helps you in any way. It's a great waste of time, in my opinion, and a narcissistic enterprise although with great possibility's. But from time to time you get to see some great information rather than vacation photos, main stream second hand posts or comic motivation posts. And as might have found out, there are key persons that share awesome information that might impact on you real life. This happen to me with a shared information about Future Learn.
Future Learn is a online, collage level, learn opportunity that presents a variety of courses that might be up your alley. From forensic science to neurological based programs you may chose to get a few weeks program that give you some very useful tools on a topic you always wanted to know more about. I have chosen SUSTAINABILITY, SOCIETY AND YOU.