sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

Anthropocentric or ecocentric?

Since the Renascence, man has taken a anthropocentric philosophy that grant them to be the central, most important species in the world. Thus man has taken the vital role of superior being, ruler of other species, and master of the environment he is in. In this perspective, all non-human being are inferior and expendable: animals, plants, environment and earth it self. In more recent years this focus has changed, from this anthropocentric perspective to a ecocentric philosophy, that in a way levels all beings on earth, being a more environment nature focus, considering man a part of nature that belongs to nature and it's nature that provides for him, source of life itself.
I would lie if I said I didn't had a bit anthropocentric philosophy. I do believe a human being had gain a status of rational superiority than allow him dominate is environment and it might be a mechanism of survival itself. That being said I also believe man has achieved enough enlightenment and knowledge to understand the utmost respect he should have towards all thing natural, that this respect and a egalitarian perspective would only be fruitful to both nature and man. Man know the benefits of coo-existing and also knows that man's survival might be dependent on it . Only attune with nature will he grant the legacy of life for future generations. So with that in mind, and a deep respect for all things natural, I also have an ecocentric philosophy.

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